
Change. expand, or apply?

Greek life & Masculinity: I think that my study could've been more effective if the interviews for the males had been done by a male. I think their responses were biased because they knew it would be presented and because the interviewees did not want to be seen in a negative light. I think this study could also be expanded to understand the root of different pressures to be masculine; some might find pressures for varying masculine qualities from different sources.

Greek life & Background: We definitely in the future would try and expand the pool from which we gathered respondents. While Facebook is a great tool to efficiently distribute a survey, we both found it much easier to access Greek students than non-Greek. It would have been beneficial to not only have more respondents, but many more who were not involved in Greek life, as well as more diversity in identified ethnicity/race. With expansion of the survey, it would also be more easily comparable to student perception of Greek life nationally vs. here at Emory.