Media Analysis | Masculinity
This article, from the site Total Frat Move, depicts the importance of sexual relations in masculinity. This site is aimed at portraying typical actions or characteristics of stereotypical men in greek life. This article outlines steps in order to partake in sexual relations when they return home for spring break. The tips include using tinder and swiping right in order to retain the largest amount of matches and lowering their standards. This emphasizes the importance for males to engage in sexual relation in order to be masculine. The tips in the article outline the importance of finding any girl in order to have sexual relations and using that girl as an object to achieve the goal of sexual relations.
This post idealizes consuming enough alcohol to the point in which one 'blacks out' and does not remember the night. This is very dangerous and is a sign of too much alcohol being consumed, but posts like this one make it into a joke or something that is a right of passage for manliness.
These posts occur every day and feature a different girl from school's across the country. The posts attach pictures of this 'babe' usually wearing slim fitting clothing or bathing suits. Posts like this put emphasis on manliness and relations with females. Males are supposed to have a strong focus on finding girls attractive and are supposed to show interest in looking at posts like this. If they don't, they risk being labeled as 'gay' or unmasculine.
Advertisement for Chubbies (Swim shorts)

Advertisement for Chubbies (Swim shorts)
This advertisement for swim shorts (which are popular among college age boys) is selling a lifestyle. This is a lifestyle of drinking and wealth; the male pictured looks as if he is standing above everyone else which shows power. He is also drinking a beer and standing in a dominant position. The male's face cannot be seen which would cause the viewer to consider that they could be the male in this photo. Overall this add is selling the view of masculinity as someone that drinks and has wealth.
This video idealizes a lifestyle of fraternity life. It shows crazy party scenes with lots of alcohol, drugs and girls. It creates an 'ideal' lifestyle where college age boys are expected to live a crazy party lifestyle. This shows the expectations of masculinity in fraternity life as one that is highly focused on alcohol, drugs and female attention.
This photo is a classic TFM instagram post, slightly offensive and aimed towards the sexual pursuits of males. This post, though it is in bad taste, gives a glimpse into hook-up culture and that in “fraternity life” it is prioritized over being monogamous.
This post from TFM Girls is probably the most clothed female of all of their posts. The instagram page features a different college girl daily who conforms to traditional standards of beauty (skinny, typically tan, caucasian, and usually blonde). This page serves no purpose other than to show off different females to the fraternity community.
This is another post from a fraternity site called Old Row, which references the old southern fraternities. This picture depicts a bunch of fraternity men with alcohol and features the hashtag: #saftb. This hashtag stands for “Saturday’s are for the boys” and implies that fraternity males are supposed to do things with and for their fraternity on Saturday’s (a day that is notorious for partying).